
Archive for April 10th, 2002

Echoes of Eternity

April 10th, 2002 Comments off

StarsWritten 4-10-2002

– Echoes of Eternity –

There’s two thoughts that come to mind: First, that there’s more. More what? More of everything, really, but more of LIFE! Being alive and at peace, maybe even joyful and happy. Secondly, that we are being lied to. You, me, all of us, have been told all our lives, are being told, and will continue to be told that there isn’t more. It isn’t usually phrased that way, and usually isn’t even put into words, but it doesn’t have to. It comes across in rejection, loneliness, despair, and hopelessness. We are told that this is all that there is, that we can’t do this and that, aspire to anything, or do anything worthwhile, lasting, or meaningful, and we better not disagree.

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