William Branham’s Third Pull
“This message will introduce Jesus Christ to the world.”
William Marion Branham
For all his failures, William Marion Branham was a prophet from God, accredited with signs, wonders, and mighty miracles. His simple faith and demonstration of Jesus Christ the same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever through God’s healing power is still looked at today as one of the greatest, most powerful displays of God’s supernatural power in the modern world. While it is still my belief that he was taken home early because he had forsaken his primary call of praying for the sick and that he was spreading doctrinal confusion by his teaching, the message of Mr. Branham still rings clear.
Of particular note, is his “Third Pull”, or his third pull vision. Many people have claimed that this was his teaching ministry. Since it was so controversial, many have claimed that this was the work that would never be duplicated and would not be a public show. However, let us take another look.
One retelling of the vision of the Third Pull can be reviewed here.
As precursors to this phase of his ministry, there were five notable events that even William Branham regarded as the vindication of the Third Pull:
- A small fish was resurrected when William Branham spoke to it, after it had had its insides ripped out by removing a swallowed hook.
- A Squirrel was created when he spoke it into existence.
- Hattie Wright’s boys were saved by the word at William Branham’s command.
- On the mountain, a massive snow storm was stilled instantly by a word.
- William Branham was told concerning his wife that however he spoke about her situation, that was how it would be. He decreed that before the doctor could touch her, Jesus would visit her and she would be healed. By his words, before the doctor could touch her, God healed her.
Many people point to the time at Sunset mountain where William Branham received the “sword of the King”. This of course is the “word of the Lord” which Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12 talk about, which says that the sword of the Spirit is the word of God. Here is where I believe followers of his message, eager to clear Mr. Branham from all wrong, have errantly presumed on the understanding of what the nature of the Third Pull was by attributing it to his “teaching” ministry.
In the vision of the third pull, with the small wooden room representing the tabernacle of Moses, with the outer white canvas all around for the outer courts, the voice speaking to William Branham said “I will meet you in there”. This is the exact same phrase given to Moses regarding the place with the mercy seat and the cherubim (See Exodus 25:22). The predicted demonstration of this pull in the telling of the vision was a lady being pushed through on a stretcher and being instantly, dramatically, and mysteriously healed. It must be noted that the effect of the third pull was the same as that of the first two, physical healing, although the scale is apparently much more dramatic and profound. There is a great deal of mystery in this (in the way that God hides mysteries in plain sight), and there should be to a point, but the effect of the Third Pull was healing, plain and simple.
Now, remember correctly, that William Branham was very upset with the culture of sign-seekers, and those looking at the signpost. He was very grieved in his spirit over the tent crusades because the people were only seeing the miracles. They were seeking the display rather than the source.
One way of looking at this is that if we only see the miracles we are absolutely carnal. Remember Jesus’ words that unless one is born of the Spirit, they cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven (John 3:3). Any unsaved sinner can see the miracles. But, the signs, the miracles, point to, well they point to something else. You see, they point to the Kingdom, which cannot be seen! Unless one learns to see this Kingdom, and let the signs only confirm that you are headed in the right direction, you have grossly, completely, and utterly missed the point. To seek primarily natural ends with supernatural graces is perverse. This is why Jesus says that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and yet He Himself did them (Matthew 12:39).
The problem is not the signs, in themselves. The problem is being blinded by the flesh so that one is guided to the signs themselves, failing to see the greatness of the God and the Kingdom bringing them; it is seeing only the carnal.
This is what grieved William Branham. A generation of people were becoming more and more cultured to see the display of the miraculous, rather than to let the signs point to the invisible Kingdom, which is only visible by faith. To only see the works of God and not His ways, and then to seek only after the miraculous is adultery compared to knowing and loving God Himself who brings them. Instead of letting the demonstration that God was really in their midst point to the Giver of those blessings, they chose to be led forth only by what they could see. They were entertained by a show, rather than coming into the maturity of a true spiritual relationship with the God of the universe.
But, William Branham left the conference/preaching circuit. Whether this was correct or not, I do not know, but as his own words attest, his original commission was to pray for the sick, and this was what he needed to stick to.
So what of the third pull?
His own words point to this. Whether it was fulfilled in private, off the platform, or elsewhere, I still do not know. He was told it would not be a public show. But, consider two events from the life of Jesus.
In John 4:48, Jesus told a centurion that unless he saw signs, he would not believe. “Believe what?” one might ask. If you see the sign, it means you believed, right? If the sign was to help people who would not believe otherwise, then to what was Jesus desiring that they believe? What was He referring to? Obviously, it was NOT that Jesus wanted them to believe in the sign itself! That was done WITHOUT their faith, and they would not have believed without it, which means AFTER the sign was already done! To what was He referring wanted the centurion to believe, that he would not until after he had seen this sign?
This is my supposition onto the ministry of Jesus based on the observable signs in the life of William Branham, but it would bear true with both accounts. Jesus looked at the man, and probably in much a similar fashion to William Branham’s operation by vision, he told the Roman that his son would recover. By my supposition, he saw it in a vision, and proclaimed it so, just as William Branham did countless times, without fail.
But, consider again, now, another instance in the life of Jesus. In John 5:6, Jesus asked a man who had been sick for 38 years, “Do you want to be made well?” Again, by my supposition, Jesus was doing what William Branham did often, as he called it, contacting his spirit. He was establishing communication, and opening that realm of dynamics that we all take for granted whenever we dialogue with anyone. This is the same reason Paul, in 1 Corinthians 5:11, says not to eat with a sexually immoral person who calls themselves a brother. There are certain dynamics that happen when you talk with someone, let alone sit and eat with them.
But, in this case, Jesus did not pronounce that which he had seen in a vision. Instead, Jesus said in John 5:8 to “Rise, pick up your bed, and walk.” Here, not by vision, but by the spoken word, Jesus commanded by the Spirit. By the creative, spoken word, Jesus commanded healing.
This was a new level. This was a higher level. When God formed the world, He did so by His spoken word. He said, “Light Be”, and Light came into existance (Genesis 1:3).
Some people try to claim that the “teaching” ministry of William Branham accomplished the third pull. Far from it. This was to have been a part, under proper adherence to the written Word, and would have helped to bring in the fullness of the harvest at some point, but it clearly could not have been the Pull in question. William Branham’s teaching ministry never healed anyone!
What was/is the third pull? The spoken word. The power of the creative word. The sword of the King. The very method Jesus used and instructed his apostles in. The power to say unto a mountain, be removed, and it was done for them. Not by discernment, not by vision, not necessarily even by the laying on of hands, but by the Spoken Word of God! Not a teaching word, but, “In the name of Jesus, I say unto you, Rise Up And Walk!”
That is power. And that is the message that will bring in the “rapture faith” that William Branham talked about.
Yet, that secret that was shared only with Branham, the secret of the little wooden room, wasn’t told to us, yet it was displayed for all who chose to listen. What was it that William Branham was told in that little box?
Why on earth should anyone tell you? Go to Jesus and be so obnoxious that He tells you Himself (Luke 11:8). If you were told, you would most likely just make a public show of it, start a new generation of sign seekers who had little inkling to find the God of Abraham. And, in the end, be told, away from me, you worker of iniquity (Matthew 7:23). But, if you start with the Word, the 1/8″ end of the string with the cannon of scripture as the metal clasp to keep the thread from fraying, so that we can all agree, then as you pull that faith through you little, itty-bitty little eye-let, eventually, you’ll have the whole 1″ one in there, and you’ll see the angels, and no one will have to tell you what it means.
God will have revealed it to you, and in the mean time He will have humbled you sufficiently to walk in it without messing everything up.
One this is for certain. When that power is displayed, and it will, for God’s word will never return void, it will never be duplicated. When you speak to a dead man, he either gets up or he doesn’t, there can be no imitators, nor any excuses except that the man of God really wasn’t one. And, as always, it will never be a public show. There may be many people who operate in it, but it will only be those with real faith. No counterfeits will ever produce the demonstrations of God’s power that are encompassed in the Third Pull. Though there may be hundreds who use it, it will be genuine all the way. Besides, no one would believe you anyway if you went on blabbing it. They would trample it under foot, and then rend you to pieces.. Better to keep your mouth shut like Jesus and say, “Boys, you just can’t take it. Get on with the Holy Ghost and He’ll tell ya!” God has His ways of preparing a man before He anoints him.
This is in no way to dishonor a true man of God, but in any area William Branham or anyone may have missed it, it is our job to pick up that torch today, and finish where he left off. Who knows, but that perhaps his faith is only made complete in ours, to prove we are all of the same faith as Abraham. Only let us not be like those who only swallowed the lure that was the same size as us, thinking it is all about the words of a message and not the faith and spirit of that message. And, let us who are in the boat already speak to that fish that was gutted, and say “Live”, that we might usher in and prepare the way for the coming of the King.
I pondered a lot on whether to post a comment or not and in what tone if I did. Well, I just decided to be a Texan and state it the way it is and here goes:
Brothers and sisters, I pray nobody will be offended because that is not my intention. I just want to state some things clearly.
First – in your post you make the mistake that is very common in message circles which has allowed Satan to come in and wreak havoc and embolden the false ones in Message ranks who we are contending with these days: you do not distinguish between your own opinion and the Message leading people to think all you are saying is in line with the teachings of Br. Branham, this is wrong!!! You should state when you are quoting and when you are venturing on your own without authority.
Good examples are that you mention somethings following a doctrine that is common in the Message and that has caused lots of confusion too. This doctrine is against the Message but sounds perhaps too good to criticize so people let it by without a question. For example, you say “There may be many people who operate in it”
and you repeat “Though there may be hundreds who use it,”
and yet again: “it is our job to pick up that torch today,”
William Marrion Branham told us about the 5 musts in a message of “Doing God a Service Without…” 65-0718m
This message (among others) teaches just as Br. Branham did throughout his entire ministry that GOD NEVER DEALS WITH A GROUP and HE ONLY DEALS WITH ONE PERSON at a time. Now compare that with your statements! In the Message people are now teaching that we will all do what Br. Branham did, we will all do this and that! That is false. God still deals with one person and not a group.
Now that I have that out of the way let me tackle the 3rd Pull as it has been revealed to me:
The third pull does involve “The spoken word.” and “The power of the creative word.” but there is much more to it than that. The 3rd Pull is a ministry too! It is a final ministry that God uses to imbue the Bride of Christ with Rapturing Faith. The 3rd Pull Ministry will be accompanied by spectacular miracles such as have NEVER BEEN ON EARTH!!! There will be restoration of missing limbs and other spectacular things happening. The 3rd Pull Ministry addresses 3 groups of people: 1. The Bride (to give them Rapturing Faith), 2. God’s gentile children who are not Bride but are living on earth at that time (to expose error and Satan) and 3. Satan’s children (to tell them of their predicament). The 3rd Pull will NOT address the Jews because they will be dealt with under the oncoming ministries of Moses and Elijah.
Now I also want to talk a bit about the Tent Vision: All the interpretations that the little box or little room means this or that are wild speculations of people not honest enough to tell us they are venturing without authority!!! If you read the full vision that was published in by Br. Branham you will notice that there WAS somebody else in that little room and Br. Branham saw the strong-built MAN come out of the room and collect the sister lying on the stretcher. He pushed her in there where she came out healed! How come nobody ever asks who that man was? Those who make a symbol out of something Br. Branham literally looked for are making a blunder. If you really want to understand the other aspects of the 3rd Pull then listen to the Message called, “Souls that are in Prison Now” 63-1110m
Remember when the Lord and 2 Angels visited Abraham? The Lord sitting with Abraham at his Tent and discerning Sarah’s thoughts was a type of the ministry of Br. Branham. BUT that same Lord arriving in Sodom and walking in Sodom is another type of the ministry I am talkinig about here (The Bible does not talk much about it because it is hidden). I did not make that up, listen to brother Branham talking about it.
E-46 Does the Bible say… Now, look. I could stand here and preach; you’ve heard that all along. But the Bible said that in the last days right at this time, before the coming of the Lord, that there’d be a spirit come on earth inveiled in human flesh–man, like it was at Sodom and would be able to discern the thoughts of the mind, like that Angel did there, as it was in the days of Sodom. How many understands that, just raise up your hands, that you–you caught it, you know. See? That’s exactly. Now, Who was that? That was Christ in that man. Now, He was a man; He wasn’t a theophany. He–he was–He wasn’t a myth. He wasn’t a myth. He was a man. He eat flesh, drinking milk, and eat bread.
Now, I’m not that Man. But the Spirit of Jesus Christ is here, and you can be that man, or whoever He’s chose to be that one, that He can work through.
E-20 Therefore He, by election, He chose Abraham, for He knew what Abraham would do. You remember when He called him out there and said He’d not keep the thing a secret from him? When He was going down to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah,
E-61 Now, you unbeliever, is that mental telepathy? What touched back there in the tent? Sarah said, “I didn’t laugh.”
He said, “Oh, yes, you did laugh too.” Certainly He did. Walked right out and disappeared. You know what it was? Here’s my opinion of it. God came down, and He was going down to see the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah.
286 In the days of Sodom, the First Pull was the righteous Lot. And the Bible said, “The sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily,” how them women acted and done.
289 Then they sent another messengers, two of them, and they went down. That was His Second Pull for Lot… for Sodom.
290 But look at that One that went last, there’s more and more mercy. It was all over then, all over at that time. That third Messenger that went down there, the Third Pull, what was He? What kind of a ministry did He have?
NOTICE my brethren, the scripture is silent on what happened when Elohim arrived in Sodom. It was a ministry to the doomed and that is what will happen in our day.
I hope this is clear.
In the mean time, our main goal should be to get oil in our lamps, there isn’t much time! Seek the baptism with the Holy Ghost so that the Lord comes to dwell in you. Only those in that condition among the living will go in the Rapture!!! Everyone else will be left behind, no matter how much of the Message you know!
Lengthy… That’s Okay. I usually am.
But, for the record, I am not a “Branham Message Believer”. I’m a Gospel of Jesus Christ believer. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” Does not have anything about William Branham in there.
That might clear up a lot of your comment.
But, specifically, with regards to the “One”. Let me simply answer you with Scripture. Jesus raised up 12 (minus one, plus Matthaias, plus Paul, plus the others called apostles, or “sent ones” in the New Testament). Further, the 72 all worked in the power of God.
God certainly does raise up a “one”, but sometimes, He raises us “One”, multiples at a time.
I see William Marrion Branham as singularly gifted, for a season, for a purpose, and for a time. But, was he infallible? Jesus, no! Why not just start a new Papacy right from there, and start issuing your papal bulls? Anyway… His Word of Knowledge does not show any record of error, except those interrupted by his death, but that says nothing about his sermons.
I value Bro. Branham for what he was… a prophet of God. But, his record is full of him contradicting himself, not to mention a couple of other interesting things. My faith is in Jesus Christ, and, like Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 14, “Ye may all prophesy”.
I understand some of the gist of what Branham was getting at. He was in a class by himself, and that’s the way God does a lot of things… But, it’s not Scripture. And, while Jesus raised up Peter, his “rock”, had ten other men, and more, even after Peter died.
And, btw, I like Texas a lot… I moved there once, to Amarillo, for a short time. I’d do better nowadays…
As for the tent vision, the 3rd pull and all… I see the white curtain as the white curtains around the tabernacle of Moses, and the little room as the tabernacle within the courts (holy place and holy of holies)… The type is Exodus 25:22, with the same typology.. “I will meet with you there”. Even as there were three parts of the Tabernacle, so were there three pulls, each corresponding to each. It is, then, the move of His Glory, that is in the “third pull”.
1st pull, attracted the attention of all. Un-believers, make-believers, and believers. 2nd pull was a little harder to swallow if you did not know the person who was being blessed. 3rd pull is strickly to the beliver. While listening to the Word of The Lord being revealed through the lips of His Prophet. I have personally experienced the power of God change my life while listening to the Message. I never seen the miracles. I never seen the prophet in person. Something inside of me says Amen to the message. I know that the Lord’s speaking to His Bride. Its too late for satin or his ministers to stop the Transformation. The other day tears ran down my face as I felt the Love of God in my heart for the sacrifice the Prophet made. The living Word is here amoung us and still pulling the Bride into His Presents.
Interesting viewpoint, Tim. Unfortunately, it doesn’t the testimony. The 2nd pull certainly DID attract the attention of all, and that was the point, and the 3rd did even more, it just wasn’t something that could be ‘imitated’… Even the vision of the tabernacle with the large white curtain of “I will meet you in here” (a direct quote of what God told Moses in Exodus) indicates it was to have been in a large forum of mixed company (he had just given an altar call).
The only “Living Word” is Jesus Christ, Himself, and He will be with us always, even to the end of the age. I think the message of William Branham was that we come to have a living relationship with Christ Jesus, God Himself. God desired that through William Branham that we all come to the the relational knowledge of God, and not just some stupid doctrine, devoid of a heart-connect with Christ (the lure the spotted fish stretched out on).
God wants us ALL to walk in the miraculous, the power of God, just like William Branham did. Not with the same world-wide influence, but with the same same works that Jesus Christ Himself did. This was the message and the call of John the Baptist, to prepare a people who would walk before the Lord in His power, as the writer said, “partakers of God’s divine nature”. The question is not what did Branham sacrifice, it is what will you?
Precious bro Beeler! am so impressed to know that I can still find believers of the great prophets in America, am from Nigeria and reading ur post has giving me more stronger hold on this third pull ministry just as my local assembly pastor has being preaching it ( pastor David Etta) the tent vision and the third pull teaching is breaking our local assembly here a lot, but am happy their are message believing pastors who still teach the truth.
thank you brother and may the Almighty God keep us straight in this journey as we wait