The Spiritual Man #12 – The Eternal Kingdom
If Jesus, in three and a half years of being anointed with the Spirit, produced such fruit, shouldn’t we, in a generation or two in the Lord, be able, as a body, to produce similar results, that is, if we are truly living after His Spirit?
The Spiritual Man, Christ, must live with us individually, as well as corporately. We must be the feet upon the Earth, whose head is in the highest heavens, namely Christ, where also we are seated. It is His call, the same as it was in the beginning, for His Word has not returned void.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:28
If you start out in the flesh, flesh is all you’ll get. But, that born of the Spirit is Spirit, and produces after its own kind. It is only in, by, and of the Spirit that we will ever subdue the Earth aright. Many have tried, and in their own image, and devised to rule the whole World.
For a span of around 1,000 years, an empire named Babylon did just that, through four successive kingdoms, Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece, and Rome. It was only the coming of God’s Kingdom, and of the church, that it was defeated, as demonstrated spiritually through the conversion of Constantine. For a Kingdom greater had come, and it had deposed the power of the lesser nation, and broke that earthly kingdom small, so small that it was scattered upon the winds of the Heavens until no place was left for it. From that time until today, there has never been any great beast ruling over the entire Earth as there was in those days, in the form of Babylon through its progressive forms.
The church reigned, and, in her brokenness and failings, for roughly 1,000 years following Constantine, there was not a recorded religious Christian martyr recorded by the historian John Foxe, for Christianity had become accepted and so firmly established.
Yet, corruption, decay, program, and man’s ideas crept in again, followed by revolution, renewal, and restoration, leading us up to right about now, where the God of Heaven has restored the land to the Jew and has brought all things up to a time of completeness.
God will have a people, a nation, holy unto Himself, as He determined at the beginning, even through Adam, through Noah, through Abraham, and now through Jesus. We the Church, Jew and Gentile, must be that people. What He wants, He will have, one way or another!
He has always wanted a people, a whole man. From the time of Adam, to Abraham, to Moses, to David, to the church, with Jew and Gentile together. His Kingdom upon the Earth, where man is subject to His rule, has always been his goal. And, where man has not lived according to this rule, so often going the way of Cain with their own form of sacrifice that was not pleasing, and turning to the high places and to baal instead of the hidden life of the Spirit, God has had to find another way.
Until we come to the day when, by His Grace, we are made ready. The church, beginning to complete the faith of those who have gone before, lifts up her head, receives the true manifestation of truth, and the King of Glory comes in.
Jesus was not what the Jews expected when He first came. He was meek and humble, not what they expected. And, although He will be the conquering King when He returns, He will always be the same man, and He will always have the same heart. As He always has been, He will be, and although He rides forth and makes war, He will do it His way, in His time, and for His reasons. He will not be moved for anything. So too, when the manifestation of God’s Sons appears, whether here or there, whether in taste or in fore-taste, will it not be the same? Though they walk in the power of the limitless grace, only one thing will remain, the glory of their Lord.
As many saw only the linen curtain surrounding the tabernacle, how many could not see within to the brazen altar. Those who entered, saving they passed through into the Holy place, how could they know the things of the Spirit unless He enlightens them? And, unless entering fully, by way of the blood, how will they know Him for who He truly is, face to face, unveiled?
Those who enter in will know Him, and they have power in the Earth unprecedented, for those who believe will be doing the same works Jesus did, and greater works. They will have Truth beyond compare, for they have the mind of Christ. And, the church who refuses to know Him will kill them, when they can, until Jesus meets them there.
They will be called haters, they will be called outcasts. They will be the scum of the Earth. But they will be true, and they will be pure, and they will revere only His name.
There cannot be any other Way, nor can there be any other Gospel. For the faith once entrusted to all the saints, is the same from toe to hair.
From the Faith of Abraham, to the pattern of Moses in the Tabernacle, back to the original call of man to be a ruling servant upon the Earth, to the Son of Man, who set aside His heavenly glory, so that He could wash your feet and mine, is this what our picture of God is like? If not, we’d better be prepared.
For, He will come with a robe dipped in blood, and sword upon His thigh, but like the angel of the Lord to Joshua, the question we ask may be wrong. He asked the of man in shining robes, if he was friend or foe, but the Angel’s response was divisive: He said, neither, but as commander of the heavenly hosts I am now come. It did not matter whose side the angel was on, for he knew who was in charge, it mattered what side Joshua was on, and whether he went along. As the angel knew his place, the only issue was, as it was in the garden, Where was the man?
It is, perhaps, a frightful thing, to think that you could be wrong. The Bible is full of statements, but answers are sometimes harder in coming. It’s always right there, in a way, for the Spirit to illuminate, but the Man of God must walk in the evidence faith, knowing that he’s right.
Wisdom is proved right by her actions, and the way should grow more bright. And, lighter and lighter, until the noon day, until the end of light.
But, the surest test against failing, the most perfect way to be right, is simply to keep on trying, until the house no longer shakes (Matthew 7:24). Though we fall and fall again, He picks us up again. Keep on going until you’re standing, despite the storms of the night.
There is a way that seems right to a man, that in the end leads to death. And, there is a way that kills a man, but in the end, He proves to be right!
The Son of God, John 1:12, lives in the light of the Gospel, lives in the scope and breadth of His light, for it is the truth of God. It is the pure, and Holy Word, the only words of Life (John 6:68).
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Revelations 12:11
Those who overcame did so by all of these, and the church that stops short of death will never be ever maintain its victory. When we fail to lose our life to find it, we live locked into this life, living for the flesh, afraid of death and failing. Never will we defeat death if we fear it.
The way to the Father, the way through the Son, is the sacrifice of everything, until the work is done.
Until we lose our everything, and stand in His alone, the depths of faith has not been tested, and we do not shine as the sun. There is a promise called Forever, and it’s on Eternity’s shore, and it’s in the Glory that it’s shining, we see tomorrow more!
There will be a company who accept this, whether they come later or before, and whether His Word will be heeded, that is the question to be known. And, this one thing is certain, and it above all the rest, that the King of Kings is coming, and His glory will be made known. The best of times, and the worst of times, but His coming is for sure. As firm as day is dawning, and as sure as night is dark.
This is an Eternal Kingdom, and it’s entirety is affirmed. For its promise was from the beginning, for its end was known at the start. If it was here in Jesus’ portion, and even more it’s here today, then no part of the Kingdom will be diminished, but when He comes, will He find Faith on the Earth?
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
2 Timothy 2:2
We must know His Spiritual Kingdom, and be His disciples. We must learn of Him, see Him as He fully is, and obey.
Have we learned, have we made disciples, have we multiplied? There is no Kingdom that does not hear, respond, grow, and multiply. Even to the end, we must be fully reaching, fully equipping, and fully responding to the call. Blessed is the man whom, when His master returns, is found faithfully fulfilling His duties which He has been given.
The whole of the Kingdom is by faith. There was faith in the church at first, and it grew. They spread their faith to others, and the same miracles that followed the apostles followed those they taught, and those they taught, and those they taught. The same demonstration, the same power, the same excellence of God. It was by faith and the anointing, with the demonstration of Christ’s glory, by which the disciples believed, and anything less is still less.
This church overthrows governments, brings down the high and mighty, and by it, the lowly is exalted. This church stands as the government of God upon the Earth, as His called out ruling body, the only legitimate government of God, able of binding kings and executing the judgments written (Psalm 149). This church exercises the power of the Son, for it is His Body and it was of His Spirit. As He was, so is it upon the Earth. In its humility, in its meekness, in its purity, in its purpose. In His nature, in His stature, and in His fullness. In the seven pillars of wisdom in which He had hewn out, they endured, and abiding, they stood.
This church is the fulfillment of Genesis 1:28, and it is the wholeness of the completion of the Kingdom of God.
When it is revealed, it breaks death itself, and even the creation itself is liberated.
It does not take a prophet to recognize the Kingdom. Many prophets and men of the Earth longed to look into the things Jesus brought but they were not revealed to them. But, God has revealed the Kingdom to those as babes.
These babes are the Sons of God, sons because they have no other name in Heaven or in Earth, but have given themselves over wholly to the Lord with no recourse, no recompense, no expectation of repayment within this Earth. They have no name other than the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they have no mention except for by His throne. And, they are of God, for they are recreated in His image. Perfect, pure, not delighting in calamity upon the wicked, but rejoicing in the truth. Of God, because in increasing measure, they look only like Him, and have lost their own face, their own countenance, and like Stephen who looked like an angel of God, they resemble only Him, the invisible.
They have no place in the Earth, though they sojourn in it. They have no lasting possession here, for they are priests. And, so, having no objective of their own while upon the Earth, they are its judges, commanding judgments from heaven.
But, they will be heavenly. They will be pure and perfect in meekness. What they judge, they will judge rightly, for they will only speak as they hear. They will be complete, for though their outward works will be like those of Jesus on the outside, what really matters, the Heavenly part, they will be like Him within. Pure, spotless, born of God. Anyone can do miracles if they are taught how. But, it is only those anchored in the Holiest that will survive, pure. For by this they will be known, that they, like Him, are Holy.
Just as Jesus, God Himself could be upon the Earth and yet be not known by those whom He had created, how much more these precious ones? For, surely, they will be known by men by their mighty deeds, but by those with eyes to see, they will be known by the blazing brilliance of their inner selves, of the flow of the Spirit and the manifest glory within their hearts.
In part, they are already here, but they will come, as surely as the day.
They will have a pure word and a pure praise, living only by the Spirit and by the Word, joined together. They will be a whole man, untouchable by the enemy, even as the enemy was turned away after the temptation until a more opportune time. Attacks will come, some will stumble to be purified, but the body as a whole will arise, shining.
And, of course, some will die. Many will give their lives in the eventuality. But, they are not lost, and many martyrs will produce such an abundant outpouring of Grace that the world itself will shaken.
But, only the pure in heart will see God, and only those with clean hands will stand (Psalm 24:4).
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.Psalm 24:7-10
For, the Lord Himself is waiting for a people to arise, who will lift up their heads, that He, the King of Glory, would come in.
Israel couldn’t see. They were still looking towards a man, they still wanted a King and a system of religion that they could set their eyes upon. Much of the church has seen in part, and much has been both lost and restored, but, all the time, He is there–invisible, ruling, and judging. Some wanted to worship their own way or at their particular high places, to serve Him as they thought best, but God required that all come to a certain place, a holy place, the City of His Name, the Spiritual Jerusalem, of the Spirit! (John 4:24).
And there, and there alone, in that spiritual place, that heavenly place called Jesus, is where all the worship is to be forever. Instead of the high places of religion, the spreading trees of some other man of God, and the sacred groves of religious order and the comfortable prophetic campground, the only place, the only location, and the only Hill upon which we may worship Him, is upon His spiritual Holy Hill, Mount Zion. Before the Lord, in the dimension of His Spirit, alone and with our hearts in adoration, is the only place that God honors our worship. As He said, those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. While there will always be some outward activity, even if just breathing, the true worship, the only worship, is the worship that is within.
In the history of Israel, only a few kings of the Jews tore down the asherah poles and the baal altars. But even today, with the asherahs of man-made religion, and the baal altars of man’s wisdom of church growth, religion for money, and looking good in the eyes of men, we face the same conflict of old. But, those who did rise up against the evil of their day were called faithful, receiving their reward through a better name, Jesus. And so we, too, receive His Name when we forsake custom, religious and societal norms, and live as citizens of that Heavenly dwelling, where the only law, and the only rule, is Christ and His Spirit within and amidst us!
God has a certain way, by His Pattern, and it’s name is not hard to find. All His ways are called Jesus! Anything else is just not the same. If it’s not Jesus, it’s worthless…
The Manifest Sons of God will be revealed for what they are, holy, blameless, and free from all accusation. They will be a light to a generation, and a beacon to the lost, a bridge to the distant, both those in the world and those floundering in the myriad of church-life but not in Christ.
Whether this is all of that which was spoken of by Paul, or whether there is another, even greater wave yet Beyond, who knows. But one thing is for certain, the veil is coming off!
The way of faith is learned, sometimes slowly. It is like a seed, planted, which grows, and fills the entire of the garden, so that even the birds, the gifts and angels, come and make their nest in its branches.
This is the way of the thing, that it increases. This is the source, and it grows. His Kingdom.
And, as it does, the Holy One takes over, and gives Grace upon Grace upon Grace.
Yet, at every level of choosing, we must lay down our lives again, for to live closer to Him requires a closer walk within.
The Spirit and Bride are willing, saying, “Come, Lord Jesus.”, and again, “Come!”
When men arise out of the depths and out of the wilderness, and they arise clothed only the Spirit, they will never be stopped. Whenever a man has been humbled enough before God, so that every knot is worked out, and every crooked place is made straight, he has arisen with Gospel light and power that has moved the World.
In every age, there have been names, those who have not spoiled their clothes. Purified by the blood of the Lamb, they have been diligent and faithful in their pursuit, have found themselves before the Almighty, clothed and endued with power, and we call them our heroes. Yet, every one of them found the price that God demanded, and paid it to the last dime.
In the last generation, there arose a sign and a wonder in the form of healing and tent revivals and many great waves of Pentecost. Many followed after, and entered in, but many did not walk in the fullness. Even those that did, in their assemblies, they did not retain the glory. They had a sign and a miracle, but many did not find the inner flame of the heart, to become One. Though many even have demonstrably miraculous lives, many have fallen short of what it is to know Him as fully as He has called.
Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The very flame of the LORD.
Song of Songs 8:6 NASB
Only in the enduring love of God Himself are we preserved, for it is only His love that preserves us through the fire, and through the storm. Through the flood and the waters that would intend to sweep us away.
God required of the previous generation the faithful walking out of His character as never before, because they were shown access to power, through the gifts, as few had known previous. But rather, they often chose the show, the drama, and the excitement of the circus, instead of the power of God in the love of His Eternal Kingdom.
A whole generation of sign seekers was left hopeless, after having seen the power of God, simply because they could not see Beyond, into what lay beneath. Some saw the cross, some saw the true gold of the sanctuary. But, if they had seen the glory and not merely its vessel, could they have remained with their life as they were?
If we seek the glitter and the gold of this world, it is all we will ever see, and that which the gold of the tabernacle stood merely as a symbol for will never be seen. But, if we can force our eyes to look beneath, and see what lies unseen, could we see the heavenly throne room, and perhaps the Crystal Sea?
What is the realm from which a miracle comes? What is the Spirit behind the Word? What is the unction behind the prophet, and what is the motive behind the miracle? Unless we can discern the Spirit, we still cannot yet see.
This is the realm of the Eternal, and only those with eyes can see. For, if we miss again the true Miracle Worker, not just the outer but the inner, we will be forever blind and never perceive.
The crowds saw a man, and they saw a show, but they failed to see Him. They sought Jesus because of the bread, but not because they understood. Like with Jesus, so in the generations past, in the excitement, and they failed to see His heart, and never His will did please. The moment we seek a miracle more than Him, we have become carnal, for it is not the Gospel of Miracles, but of Jesus Christ, the Eternal God and King.
Those that seek Him will find Him, and all the rest will follow, but may He take away the glamour, if it ever takes away our eyes.
If we could see His face, and stand in that glory, we would be forever changed. Though it might take multiple times, and a lifetime of pursuit, if we could stand in His that innermost sanctuary, gazing upon that light which is Eternal, we would, losing our life, know His.
The man who has His Words and keeps them, he is the man who loves Him. And, it is the man who stands in even the most minute portion is greater than all the rest.
This is the message of the Gospel, that we might see Jesus, in all of His glory. Whether with the smallest of mustard seed of faith, or with blazing angels and trumpets and light, it does not matter in the least. I will pursue the latter, but perhaps, the simple saint who merely knows their Lord is the most blessed of all creatures on the Earth, content in Him, able to hear His voice, and be with Him.
God’s ways are in the Eternal, and often it is in the small and the quiet ways that He stirs.
If we only have eyes to see the external, and fail to discern his touch, how will we ever progress past pre-school, and walk where Elijah walked?
Nicodemus couldn’t even believe about the new birth, yet Nathanael believed at a simple Word. To the former, Jesus asked how he would believe about heavenly things, and to the latter, he was told he would see angels ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.
The Sons of God are mighty, even as they are in the Earth, but unless they can close their eyes and see Him, they have only just barely begun. This is the Kingdom Everlasting, and it is of His realm. Walking in life immortal is to wear a different type of crown. Those who would be first must be last, and the greatest must serve them all. And, until we get rid of everything, we will never His Spirit only follow.
Do you really love Him? You’ld better. Because you’ll be wholly His. And, once He opens that door, there’s no turning back, or going back, and the onslaught is only begun. Heaven and Hell are before us, and His is the open door. If we come into Him, He will dine with us, and make His home in ours.
As High as the heavens are above the Earth, so are His Ways above our ways, saith the Lord.
Isaiah 55:9
He is worth everything, all the time.
The Kingdom belongs to the meek and the broken, to the persecuted, hungry, and poor. The moment we have left that, we have left the door. God may allow us to be prosperous, and He may make us rich, but the way of life is the narrow path, and it is only in Him that we abide.
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
1 John 5:4
Faith, when it is really faith, overcomes the world.
That which God ordained from the beginning, the Spiritual man, will be revealed one day, to the ending of the frustration of the creation which has been subjected to waiting. And, whether in part now, or in the fullness on that day, it will be those who stand in the character and faith of the Gospel.
It is those in the transparent honesty of the Eternal Kingdom, coming into the light that it may be plainly seen that what they have done has been wrought in God (John 3:19-21), that will those that shine forth as stars in the heavens (Daniel 12:3, Philippians 2:15).
Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
1 Corinthians 15:50
When men stand upon the Earth, and are judges in Christ’s Spirit, they will have the Faith of God and the heart of the Lord. Though all around is raging, and men seek to take their life, they will not shrink back, even when faced with death.
The fullness of Christ’s Kingdom is not in some way distinct from who He was yesterday, today, and forever. The nature and character of the institution will be the same that of its culmination. Yet, as in different seasons, and in distinct purposes, He at one time uproots and destroys, at another, He builds and plants. The same Spirit, the same leading, the same God, yet doing differently at different times.
He is perfect, He is pure, and so is His Kingdom.
There is no other way for His Sons to be, within His Domain.
Yet if ever our concept or perception of His Kingdom is somehow not in keeping with the totality of His revealed nature, from the beginning to the end, perhaps, if we are willing, we should press in a little deeper, ascertain the Most Secret place, and begin again, believing. And, having received, proclaim boldly His loving-kindness to a new generation, that they might, with us, enter into the joy and the rest of the Lord.
His light, His truth, He is the Only Way.
To His be the glory.
His alone.
Psalm 27
The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.
Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.
When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.
When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.
Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.
Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.
Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.