Man was created to rule. He was made a judge.
Yet, he was also made as a servant, to serve and to worship and adore.
Man has been created in a unique position in all of creation. Surely, the psalmist spoke well when he said, What is man that thou are mindful of Him? (Psalm 8:4).
This creation, this creature, was fashioned from clay, yet is destined to judge the world.
This figure, as the scripture says, is placed a little lower than Elohim, often translated as “angels” but also used of God Himself, and yet, man, who will judge the angels, will be judged by God Himself. Some to everlasting salvation, and some to everlasting contempt.
This man, who was created to do something, was given a place and purpose to fulfill and way to serve in the Earth, yet he was eternally designed for connection with another.
In the Old Testament, we see men and women judging on the Earth, not through kingship, but by God’s providing. We see that God desired to govern His nation through a judge, and not a human king. We see that when Israel needed something, He raised up what they cried out for, and delivered them. Yet, He was always their head.
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