
Posts Tagged ‘Mouth’


May 18th, 2012 Comments off

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

The Hebrew word picture for “iniquity” is “bent”.  Iniquity is the being “bent” from straight, twisted from the upright, and made crooked from the pure.  While transgression are our comissions of sin, our iniquity is the propensity, or proneness to continue to sin.

Jesus, when He died, paid for our entire nature.  He covered our individual sins, and our sinfulness.  He, through His righteous act and sacrificial offering, made peace with God for us, by taking upon Himself the punishment we deserved.

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September 25th, 2011 Comments off

I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

John 10:10 (portion)

The only pure life is the life yielded to the Spirit.

If we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

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The Sweetest Thing

September 9th, 2011 Comments off

His mouth is sweetness itself;

Song 5:16 (portion)

Oh, how I love His Word.  His mouth is sweetness itself.  There is nothing finer, nothing more pleasant, nothing more desirable, than His mouth.  Taste and see that He is good.

If ever there was a question about God’s greatness, it is settled in this.  You may talk about love, but He is it.  You may talk about justice, but He is it.  You may talk about joy, but He is the only source.  You may talk about peace, but He is its prince.  You may talk about patience, but who is more than He?  You may talk about kindness, but show me another father willing to send all his prophets, and then, at the last, His son.  You may talk about anything that it is to be human, and, you may see someone demonstrate some portion of it, or you may see idealized someone who is famed for it, but Jesus is it all.

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