
Posts Tagged ‘Poor in Spirit’

How to Teach Faith

September 4th, 2011 Comments off

What is one of the simplest ways to teach faith?  The Beatitudes.

Right here, the Teacher demonstrates one of the simplest ways.  As small as it is, it can grow to be the largest of all “garden plants”.

Take any dire situation you have as a Christian.  Take any lack, or any shortage, any place where your feel worn thin, and pressed hard.  Everyone encounters these, and even Jesus said that we would experience storms, even when we were built upon the rock.

Most Happy are those who are poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 5:3

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Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy Happy

August 24th, 2011 Comments off

The more I read and understand the Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3-12, the happier I get. Hugely Happy. Ultra Happy. Maximumly Happy. Macro happy even, which is what the word translated “blessed” actually means, if you look it up. It doesn’t mean “blessed”. That would be eulegio. This is Macagredso… horribly transliterated, but… macro + agredso… macro meaning big, agredso meaning… well… HAPPY!
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Poor In Spirit

August 18th, 2011 Comments off

The first few clauses of Matthew 5 are so amazingly profound, and directly simple. They are plain words that anyone with simple understanding can receive. But, they seem trivial until you realize they are the life of faith, they set the attitude for the whole Christian walk, and they make us very, VERY happy.
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